Proven Strategies To Scale Your eCommerce Brand

Most Agencies Are All Over The Place 

We Focus On What We Do Best

How We Think About It

We are a team of high-performers with one goal... to be the best eCommerce marketers in the world.

How do we do that?

Each day, we wake up and get to work on the one thing we do best. Run Ads.

The truth is... we are data nerds and enjoy optimizing every step of the funnel.

Nobody likes wasted time or money, which is why we only focus on what gets the best results.

Our number one priority is doing what needs to be done for each client by working only on actions that move the needle forward in your business.

How We Do It

We begin by creating a client profile with information on your industry, competitors, true metrics and ideal customer (their characteristics and personality traits etc), we then publish the first iteration of ads.

At this point we start to collect data and make informed decisions on what is and isn’t working.

We can then launch new iterations that are 2-4x more profitable and scalable.

While continuing to implement data-driven iterations, we build a structured paid traffic funnel which takes a prospect down a tailored path toward the end goal of making a purchase.

Proven Strategies To Scale Your eCommerce Brand

Most Agencies Are All Over The Place 

We Focus On What We Do Best

How We Think About It

We are a team of high-performers with one goal... to be the best eCommerce marketers in the world.

How do we do that?

Each day, we wake up and get to work on the one thing we do best. Run Ads.

The truth is... we are data nerds and enjoy optimizing every step of the funnel.

Nobody likes wasted time or money, which is why we only focus on what gets the best results.

Our number one priority is doing what needs to be done for each client by working only on actions that move the needle forward in your business.

How We Do It

We begin by creating a client profile with information on your industry, competitors, true metrics and ideal customer (their characteristics and personality traits etc), we then publish the first iteration of ads.

At this point we start to collect data and make informed decisions on what is and isn’t working.

After the first round of data comes back, we can then launch new iterations that are 2-4x more profitable and scalable based on that data.

While continuing to implement data-driven iterations, we build a structured paid traffic funnel which enables us to seamlessly take a prospect down a tailored sales path (Top of Funnel down to Bottom of Funnel) with the end goal of getting the prospect to buy.

Profitable ROI Machine That Runs 24/7.

Any business that does not have a system in place where they can confidently spend $1 and get $2-$10 in return, is on a surefire path to NEVER reaching multiple 6-8 figures. Every client at First Tap Digital has a customer acquisition machine that we've built, where $1 routinely goes in and $4 -$15 comes out. Equipped with this level of certainty, scaling to multiple 6-8 figures is a simple by-product of the machine. 

Convert Complete Strangers into Lifetime Customers At Scale.

When it comes to scaling any eCommerce or info product brand, the number one thing to have is ads that strike a nerve within your ideal customer. It will always come down to copy, creative and the offer.

Expertly written copy in conjunction with 1-1 client services, ensuring the offer is one their ideal customer cannot refuse, is how we are able to routinely generate unmatched results for our clients. This is the only way to convert complete strangers into lifetime customers at scale.

Our Formula:

Copy + Creative + Offer = a multiple-figure business

Crush Your Competition And Take Over Your Industry.


On average, out of every 100 customers who add a product to the cart on your website/sales funnel, only 23 of them will actually purchase. You're leaving over 77% of your business on the table on any given day.

The No. 1 way to crush your competition and take over your industry is to become omni-present. We make sure that any time your ideal customer has a split-second thought about your product, they think of your brand.

Rather want unlimited funnel builds?

What if we built, launched and managed all your funnels in Clickfunnels for 12 months?

What would you do with all the time you had over? Spend more time with your family? Loved ones? Maybe travel more?

This is for experts, authors, personality brands, influencers, speakers, coaches, course creators or service providers who wants to free up their time to do more of what they love:

Here's how it works: You purchase a 12-month unlimited funnels-package and immediately you get taken to a on-boarding funnel that re-directs you to a Client Portal.

Inside of the portal you're welcomed by our project manager that takes care of all your questions. You'll then submit all your tasks in one place and you'll never have to do any calls or anything like that to get all your funnels built (and fixed when needed)

Ready for more freedom?

***Price increases from $10k to $18k soon***

Who This is For:

Business owners who feel as though they have hit a glass ceiling and want to smash through it.

Business owners who want a predictable and profitable money machine that runs 24/7.

Business owners who are tired of working with agencies that promise the world and deliver nothing.

Business owners who want severe scale through paid traffic and an unmatched sales processes.

Business owners who want more out of their digital marketing strategy by ensuring their current advertising system and sales funnels are operating at the highest level.

© First Tap Digital - 2023

2654 West Horizon Ridge Parkway

Suite B5 #1047

Henderson, NV 89052

Who This is For:

Business owners who feel as though they have hit a glass ceiling and want to smash through it.

Business owners who want a predictable and profitable money machine that runs 24/7.

Business owners who are tired of working with agencies that promise the world and deliver nothing.

Business owners who want severe scale through paid traffic and an unmatched sales processes.

Business owners who want more out of their digital marketing strategy by ensuring their current advertising system and sales funnels are operating at the highest level.

© First Tap Digital - 2023

2654 West Horizon Ridge Parkway

Suite B5 #1047

Henderson, NV 89052